Every Body Deserves A Good Stretch™

Our philosophy is that everyone deserves yoga. My training enables me to offer yoga to everybody, regardless of shape, size, level of fitness or mobility. We laugh a lot, move and make noise. Chair yoga, gentle, restorative, guided meditations, moon salutations, yoga nidra (iRest), basic yoga. Balance, breath and movement.

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Snow? WTF?

Dear Readers in the Ether:

Oh the persistance of snow. Winter is being obstinate. "Enough already," I say. "Leave, and don't let the door slam yer ass on the way out!"

Some updates for you, if you care to know:

1) Because of poor and/or unpredictable attendance, the Tuesday Restorative class from 4:30 pm until 5:45 pm class is in danger of being put on indefinite hold . . . I truly like this class and would love to keep it on the schedule. Those of you who care might want to take this into consideration, please.

2) Likewise, the Sunday Restorative class that used to be at 8:30 am but is now at 1 pm is up in the air. What to do? Any suggestions/comments/questions?

3) Because I'm placing the Tuesday Restorative on hiatus for now, the Tuesday Gentle Yoga class will be moved to an earlier time: 5:30-6:45 or 7.

Coo coo ca choo,
The Walrus