Every Body Deserves A Good Stretch™

Our philosophy is that everyone deserves yoga. My training enables me to offer yoga to everybody, regardless of shape, size, level of fitness or mobility. We laugh a lot, move and make noise. Chair yoga, gentle, restorative, guided meditations, moon salutations, yoga nidra (iRest), basic yoga. Balance, breath and movement.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Where Are We, continued

I'm home from an exhausting visit to San Diego. I was there to help my folks with medical stuff.

I still have no idea what is up vis-a-vis St. Luke's--where, when, etc. My plans to teach in a friend's kitchen fell through. Now what?

This might take some pondering . . .

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where Are We?

Right now, Moon Tree Gentle Yoga is studioless in Spokane. Yes, we lost our lease (it's complicated) thus our lovely violet studio is no more. Fear not, however, because there are several options brewing.

1. St. Luke's Hospital has promised to provide us with space. They are moving in the mode of s-l-o-w so we must be patient.
2. Several students have offered up space in their homes for small classes. This could be a great thing to keep cost low and classes intimate.
3. I might find more permanent digs in other studios.
4. Suggestions, offers, solutions accepted.

I will be heading out of town to take care of my folks from September 12th thru the 19th. When I get back, expect more info.

In the meantime, call 509-481-3134 and/or email me at yogalena@aol.com

Peace be upon you,