Every Body Deserves A Good Stretch™

Our philosophy is that everyone deserves yoga. My training enables me to offer yoga to everybody, regardless of shape, size, level of fitness or mobility. We laugh a lot, move and make noise. Chair yoga, gentle, restorative, guided meditations, moon salutations, yoga nidra (iRest), basic yoga. Balance, breath and movement.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Mostly catching up. On Friday evening, November 9th, I put on my first 3-hour workshop, "Women's Health: Bodywisdom." Three hours is a long time, yet it seemed to go quickly--with a lot of laughing. I covered the benefits of weight bearing exercise--like walking--and stretching the body to keep things supple and lubricated. We spent a lot of time finding and flexing the hammock muscle of our pelvic floor. Imagine the giggles that evoked. There were six of us. We learned about bone health, breathing and breast health. We spent time moving through specific poses as well as time resting in restorative poses . . . I'll revisit this workshop again.

Other exciting news (for me, at least): I worked out a lovely version of the Moon Salutation for the chair. My student, Jennifer, who is seated, as she calls it, helped me refine the poses so that we move fluidly through the linked poses to created a powerful homage to the moon in all her splendor. This sequence is something I will use often. It is as complete a vinyasa as the Sun Salutation for chair. I like both; having someone in a wheelchair, however, poses a problem while doing the Sun Salutation since the legs and feet are required to move. With this version I've created for the Moon Salutation, our legs can remain still, creating an anchor for the upper body.

Upcoming classes: beginning in January we will have a new teacher, Anne Miller (check the teacher page for her biography, etc. to be posted soon) who has already taught a breast cancer support class in Wenatchee. Over the past few months she has been taking teacher training at Mellow Monkey studio in Post Falls, Idaho. She will joining Moon Tree Gentle Yoga and Wellness Center in January with several cancer support classes. Keep checking the schedule page--I will post times and days as soon as possible.

Take note: There will be no Full Moon Salutation Class in November since I will be in San Diego over Thanksgiving weekend. Go outside and take a moonbath.

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