Every Body Deserves A Good Stretch™

Our philosophy is that everyone deserves yoga. My training enables me to offer yoga to everybody, regardless of shape, size, level of fitness or mobility. We laugh a lot, move and make noise. Chair yoga, gentle, restorative, guided meditations, moon salutations, yoga nidra (iRest), basic yoga. Balance, breath and movement.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yule Celebration with a Full Moon

Okay, the Full Moon class on the 23rd is back on the schedule . . . by popular demand!

Come join us at Moon Tree Gentle Yoga and Wellness Center as we honor the Yule Moon. This December's full moon shines near both dates of the Winter Solstice on the 22nd, and Yuletide on the 25th.

The Moon Salutation is a series of linked poses--called vinyasa--that follow the phases of the moon from full to waning gibbous, half moon to a crescent and finally the dark moon. The process reverses itself by moving into a waxing crescent and half moon, then waxing gibbous returning to the full moon.

The class is about an hour and a half. We begin with a guided meditation moving into warming poses and then Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation) after which we cool down and end with a Savasana and another guided meditation.

$15 for the class.

Merry Everything,

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